Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday Lunchbox

I often pack meatless meals for my kids' lunches at school. I have a few reasons for doing this. First, it's cheap. Second, it's safe. There is no risk of the lunch getting too warm and my children getting Listeria. Third, it's healthy. All the sodium (salt) in lunch meats can't be good for their little bodies. Finally, they usually don't WANT any meat. It's almost always the item left in the box when they get home.
Today, the girls will have a meatless nacho lunch. In the large part of the container is a lidded bowl full of their favorite salsa, a silicone cup with fresh lettuce and tomatoes, and white corn tortilla chips. The small round part has California black olives, and each will get a tube of yogurt on the side. They will be choosing milk or juice from the cafeteria to drink.