Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Momma on-the-go breakfast

Weekday mornings are always hectic no matter how much I prepare ahead. I spend my evenings packing lunches, laying out clothes, and going through homework, notes, and papers, but still find myself rushing in the morning. I'm no early bird, and not one of those ladies who gets up at dawn to exercise or do yoga before the kids wake. I get up about 10 minutes before my kids, which is just enough time to get a quick breakfast on the table for them. While they eat I dress and get ready to take them to school. Fixing hair (one of the "joys" of being a mother to 3 girls) and finding shoes, putting ice packs in the lunch boxes and getting the baby changed and dressed takes up the remainder of the morning. So I find myself short on time and starving!
Thankfully my husband is usually pretty good about getting a travel mug full of coffee ready for me to grab as we run out the door. Unfortunately, coffee is not considered a good breakfast for anyone, especially a breastfeeding mom.
I'm still working on ideas for easy and healthy take-along breakfasts. After realizing that smoothies are NOT quick (gathering 5+ ingredients, blending, pouring, then washing the thanks) I started thinking about less conventional options.
My favorite so far is this lightly salted rice cake drizzled with honey. Not everyone enjoys rice cakes, but the honey really adds good flavor, it's filling, and soooo easy. Add a piece of fresh fruit, and you'll have a few hours of energy, and none of the fat and processed sugars in other grab-and-go breakfasts.

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