Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Meal Plan - Dinners - week of Sept. 22-28

I'm a little behind getting my menu together this week thanks to having a 3 day weekend with my girls.
I did most of my shopping this week at Aldi and Sam's, but didn't get any meat because we had to stop at a few other stores before driving home. I took advantage of the local grocery store deal, and got 5 packages of fresh meat for $25.
Sunday we used our center cut pork chops and made marinated kabobs. I have to say this balsamic rosemary marinade was amazing! I also roasted some yellow squash and brussel sprouts, made a yummy sweet apple coleslaw, and some macaroni and cheese for hubs an the kids.
We had the leftovers from Sunday for lunch on Monday. For dinner we ate out at the home style buffet where kids eat free on Mondays. We only spent $15.xx for all 4 of us to eat salad, main course, and dessert.
Tuesday we had leftover beans I froze the last time I cooked pintos with tomatoes, and a yummy dairy free corn bread. My menu says we had meatless nachos because that was my plan for the beans, but once I opened the fridge I realized we were out of sour cream, my cilantro was wilted, and the avacados were riddled with black spots, so plans changed. 
Today I am cooking a beef roast with onions and celery. Sides for this meal will be green beans, homemade wheat rolls, and fried squash.
Thursday the leftover roast will be chunked and added to a beef stew with a combination of fresh and frozen veggies. 
Friday I'm taking it easy and cooking breakfast food. Saturday we will have basil chili pork chops with coleslaw, corn on the cob, and butter herb rice. 

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