Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday Lunchbox

Today I am having lunch with my 4 year old. So instead of having her take the lunch box to school, I'll bring it when I come to her school at 10:25am (yes, that's lunch time for the pre-k students at their school). My 2nd grader is eating chicken nuggets in the cafeteria.
I made a turkey roll in a flour tortilla for her, and added some apple coleslaw to mine for a healthy wrap. She will have Pringles on the side and we will share apple and orange slices. We will both have grape juice boxes, a rice cake with peanut butter and creamed blackberry honey, and Mott's fruit snacks.
I decided to bring the entire jar of peanut butter because frankly, I just don't want to wash it out of a reusable container if I don't have to. Since I'll be there to supervise and take it home after lunch I don't see any reason not to, especially since none of the kids in her class have peanut allergies.

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