Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday Lunchbox

The girls have a short week at school with fall break starting on Wednesday. So today they wanted to pack breakfast for lunch because it's one of their favorites. My oldest informed me that cold bacon is gross, and she doesn't want me to pack bacon in her lunch again. To get a little protein and iron in I packed a peanut butter and blackberry creamed honey sandwich on whole wheat. This isn't our normal breakfast fare, but it works. They also have a bag of dry cereal, a granola bar, some all natural vanilla yogurt with heart shaped sprinkles, and a banana. I added some fun stickers to the outside of the banana to make it a little more appealing. Joplin has a bag of organic trail mix including pumpkin and sunflower seeds, soy nuts, and dried cranberries, while Isis gets a mini box of raisins. 

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