Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday Lunchbox

Today you'll all have to use your imaginations a bit. I didn't have time to snap a picture of the girls' lunch boxes. I packed each one a pick with all natural deli turkey and cheddar cheese. They have 4 baby carrots, a Cutie orange, and organic bunny grahams. As a special treat they have half a bagel to use for making a "sweet pizza" topped with peanut butter chocolate/white chocolate chips and mini marshmallows.

Some of you may wonder if the meals I pack ACTUALLY get eaten by my girls, or if they get full on the seemingly sparse portions, so I am going to take photos of the boxes after school for about a week to show you. I ALWAYS ask them how they liked lunch, and if they got full - everyday. I make adjustments to their meals according to the feedback I get from them. Everyday is different. Sometimes they don't enjoy what I pack, and some they just don't have time to eat it. That's why I think communication is the most important thing when packing a lunch box (or parenting in general) for a kid. I hope that our lunch banter will help them learn to make good choices when they are old enough to choose or pack lunch for themselves. More on that to come! Happy humpday friends :)

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