Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday Lunchbox

The week is already half way over (almost), and I am still running behind on just about everything. I'm not going to sweat it too much in my normal control freak fashion because I might drive myself crazy if I did! October is always a busy month at our house. It kicks off most of the fall events in our community, is full of family birthdays, and is the start of a crafting frenzy for this stay at home momma.
So, once again I didn't get a picture of the girls' lunches, and it's a shame. Today they had mini turkey and cheese sandwiches on a pick. I used a small round cookie cutter to make circles out of whole wheat bread, then i stacked preservative free turkey, Monterey jack cheese, and more bread until the pick was full. They each got 5 cherry tomatoes, a whole apple, and cheese flavored multigrain chips. There is also some all natural vanilla yogurt with heart sprinkles in the air tight bowl on their plastic container, and I stuck a mini strawberry fruit roll up in there for dessert.
Now I'm off to work on a few of the many projects I have going that need to be done ASAP! Laundry, cleaning, crochet hat orders, and Halloween costume sewing are first on the list.

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