Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday Lunchbox

Today the girls are having a turkey and cheddar slider on a homemade whole wheat bun. They chose Cheese It Party Mix in leau of chips. There is a veggie assortment with baby carrots, grape tomatoes, and fresh spinach leaves in the last compartment on the bottom of the two tiered, one piece containers.  

Joplin has a snack sized zipper bag with organic trail mix. The mix has sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, soy nuts, and dried cranberries. I had her taste the mix before packing it to ensure she would eat it. She didn't like the raisins or dried dates that were included in the package, so I spent an extra minute or two picking out (and eating) those things so she wouldn't have to waste time picking through it during her short lunch period. This may seem silly, but I think it will make a huge impact on whether she actually eats it or not. We'll see. 

Isis didn't show any interest in the trail mix, so I packed honey roasted peanuts for her. She also has a small bunch of red grapes, and a fruit roll up. My dad caught us at the store yesterday and bought the roll ups as a treat for the girls. I removed the raisins from Isis's box because it seemed redundant since she has fresh grapes. Joplin gets a green apple since she doesn't like grapes, and a fruit roll up for her as well.

I started taking "after"pictures of the lunch boxes on Friday, so I'll have a post about the aftermath, and how much (or little) they are eating this Friday. I also have to pack lunches for a field trip for my 7 year old and me on Thursday, so that will include some nice grownup lunchbox tips. 

Now I'm off to spend my 30th birthday with my husband and baby before picking up my bigs from school. Have a great day everyone!

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