In one way or another baby food ALWAYS causes stubborn stains.
My 5 month old started eating pureed fruits and vegetables about 3 weeks ago, and the battle to keep her adorable outfits stain-free has begun.
Our first line of defense - the bib
Assuming I can keep it tucked under her chubby chin, bibs manage to keep most of the (mainly orange) messes off her clothes. It lands right on that bib, that non-disposable, non-stain resistant the dilemma to do I get the stains out of the BIB?
My 5 month old started eating pureed fruits and vegetables about 3 weeks ago, and the battle to keep her adorable outfits stain-free has begun.
Our first line of defense - the bib
Assuming I can keep it tucked under her chubby chin, bibs manage to keep most of the (mainly orange) messes off her clothes. It lands right on that bib, that non-disposable, non-stain resistant the dilemma to do I get the stains out of the BIB?
I have two methods that, so far, are working like a charm.
1. The Soak: I use an old Ice Cream bucket, but any medium - large container will work. First I fill the bucket with warm water and dissolve one scoop of oxygen cleaner powder in the water by stirring gently. Then I just toss in the bibs as they are dirtied. It takes us about 3 days to fill the bucket with dirty bibs, and the bucket sits on my dryer soaking for that amount of time without getting smelly or spilling. Then I dump the liquid in the sink and toss the soaked bibs in the washer with a load of her clothes (yes, I wash the babies clothes separately).
The second method works well if you don't wash as often, and can be used on clothes as well with no wet mess to worry about.
2. The Spray: I have found the best spray stain remover in the world! Shout Advanced Action Gel for set in stains can be sprayed on just about any stain and fabric, then left in the hamper for up to 10 days! You do have to rinse any surface gunk from the bibs or clothes first, but this stuff can even get out stains that have already been washed and dried!
I simply rinse the bib under cold water, spray, rub it together to work in the gel, then toss the bibs in a reusable plastic tote until laundry day. This method works well for diaper blow-out stains too!
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